
2. Iron Recovery from High-Fe Red Mud
Research on the technology of recovery iron from red mud was started early in 1970s. Iron can be separated and enriched through reducing roasting and a series complex processing. While the means of wet high gradient magnetic separating red mud output directly from Bayer process is a simple and feasible way.
In October of 2010, Aluminum Corporation of China (CHINALCO) announced their dramatic breakthrough on iron recovery from red mud.
Guangxi Branch of CHINALCO separates iron by high gradient magnetic separator from sediments of bauxite residues after Bayer Process, producing irons with 55% total Fe.
The recovery process is combined with Bayer process, utilizing the recovered water, which is simple, effective, water-saving and high return. In 2009, a recovery plant with annual capacity 200,000 tons was built. Now the plant is recovering iron (total Fe content: 55-56%, ferric oxide 80%) continuously and stably.
Shandong Brach of CHINALCO treats red mud with hydro Cyclone, iron beneficiation, sands removal and sintering, realizing NO-STORAGE or LESS-STORAGE of red mud.
Red Mud Process Line — production flow sheet
State Council of China issued Guidance for Complex Utilization of Red Mud in 2010, to expand the application, update process technology of red mud and reduce the pollution and hazards of red mud toward environment and security.

Posted by Felicity Yuan On 3:09:00 PM No comments

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