
Reduce-Fe Type

Application of DLS High Gradient Magnetic Separator, Reduce Iron type:
Purify quartz, feldspar, silica sands, kaolin, clay, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, andalusite, kyanite, etc. Remove iron, biotite, managnese, hornblende, mica, tourmaline, garnet and other impurities 

1. Why use high gradient magnetic separator to purify feldspar?
Whiteness/brightness is a key index in the industrial purpose feldspar. In the run of mine, ferrous substances are the main coloration compositions, which exist in the form of biotite, ilmenite, chlorite and tourmaline.

These substances are few, fine and weak magnetic materials. Unlike the grinding metal from crusher, It is hard to extract them with traditional drum magnetic separator or roll magnetic separator. The separator shall be strong with higher magnetic intensity and more suitable to finer minerals. High gradient magnetic separator performances better.

2. Why high gradient is necessary?
Background magnetic field intensity of DLS high gradient magnetic separator is up to 12000 GS, and gradient intensity, which generated by the matrix in the bkg. Magnetic fields, is up to 30000 GS. It captures not only grinding metals, but also feebly magnetic impurities.

3. Why wet separation?
For industrial use, particle size of feldspar powder shall be mostly undersize 200 meshes. The fine magnetic particle in feldspar is hard to be attached by dry magnetic separator. While, if mix the particle with water, they will be easier to be extracted.

DLS magnetic separator, with strong intensity and optimized vertical ring matrix structure for minerals slurry, is more efficient to remove the fine magnetic particle. This kind of magnetic separator can be used in process of roughing, scavenging and cleaning of mineral beneficiation.

Upgrade-Fe Type

Other Application of high gradient magnetic separator

1. Ferrous minerals: Upgrade hematite, limonite, siderite, chromites, ilmenite, manganese, etc.

2. Recycle iron from weak magnetic tailings, bauxite residues after Bayer process, waste water of steel or power plant, etc.

3. Non-ferrous mineral: Extract wolframite from quartz, separate cassiterate and pyrrhotite from polymetallic sulfide ore, separate cassiterate, wolframite and limonite, separate scheelite, wolframite, garnet and other substances

4. Rare Earth: Tantalum and niobium, lepidomelane, monazite, etc.

Features and Benefits

-High Gradient & High Intensity

-Vertical Rotation & Pulsating Beneficiation

-High Frequency Vibrator & Less Matrix Block

-High Concentration Rate

-Wide Application to Varies Particle Size, Concentration & Mineral Grade

Other Service

- Mineral Sample Test

- Magnetic Beneficiation Consultancy

Customized products are available.

Feel free to contact us!

Please inform us the characteristics of minerals for magnetic separation and specific needs.

Posted by Felicity Yuan On 4:32:00 PM 5 comments


  1. Hi very good post, Got relevent information about Magnetic Separators. Thanks for the posting.

  2. This is a great idea. Love seeing a high gradient magnetic separators doing great things for industrial level processing. These same magnetic separators are great for food processing as well.

  3. Thank you for sharing. This article is very helpful and informative. We need more article like this. Cheers!


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